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Community Wing

Community Wing

Community Wing

''There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.''​

Industry Institute Interaction Cell

This cell is working hard for training and placement of Diploma Engineer . We have no hesitation in saying that our Students under go a rigorous training and can aquarely face the challanges of 21st century and are ready to take the essays services position of supervisors/trainee engineer in different areas , i.e. Production . R & D Marketing etc.the instiution through its industry institute interaction cell maintains an active liason with industry for assisting the students as well as industry . Institute has signed number of MOU’s with industries It is matter of pride that from time to time numbers of reputed companies like Mahindra & Mahindra ,HCL computer ,Essar Group , Kapoor Chemicals etc , visit our campus & select number of students from all branches.

Community Wing

This wing is working very sucessfully to train the rural unemployed youth and make them able for employment in the feilds:


Community Polytechnic


Community Polytechnic